
Allow anonymous read-only access:是否允许匿名只读访问,不选择则只有注册登录后的用户才能访问。

Standard registration

Enable registration:允许用户注册新的账号;

Show a captcha for registration:Displays a captcha using reCAPTCHA on the registration page. To enable this, you will need to go here to register an account and type in your new keys below.

reCAPTCHA Public Key: The public key provided by the reCAPTCHA site registration for your site。如:6LfxxtQSAAAAAOMh2XOtyL74PPQeYPkdX8pG9lIj

reCAPTCHA Private Key: The private key provided by the reCAPTCHA site registration for your site,如:6LfxxtQSAAAAAExFHyFcCmNFCwVoefde4LwwvfSg

Active Directory

Domain name:The Active Directory Domain to authenticate against 。spreadtrum.com

Domain controller:Enter the name or IP address of the Domain Controller of not using DNS lookup。 scidc02

Recursion Depth:Depth to recurse when checking group membership. Set to 0 to turn off, -1 for unlimited。-1



LDAP Server:域服务器,如ldap:// (ldap://

LDAP Base DN:执行LDAP搜索时使用的LDAP Base DN。DC=spreadtrum,DC=com

E-Mail Domain:电子邮件域名,会跟在域用户后面形成电子邮件地址。@spreadtrum.com

User Mask:sAMAccountName=%s

Anonymous User Mask:cn=yihui hu,OU=PLD,DC=spreadtrum,DC=com


Anonymous User Password:**

这几项都是不可缺少的,否则就不能配置成功,尤其是最后2项(因为LDAP Server不允许匿名登录认证)。

Use TLS for authentication:如果选择,则TLS被用于认证搜索,加强安全性,但要求在LDAP服务器上启用TLS。